Friday, March 30, 2012

The art of happiness...

Currently, I'm sitting in my chair at my second home (the wifey's), in the dark except for the glow of the laptop screen and the Christmas lights strung up the stairway banister. I'm pondering. I'm not entirely sure what I'm pondering, but I know my mind is flying at top speed right now. A thousand different things all at once. "Did I put the toilet lid down? What the hell was that building at the end of the finale of The Walking Dead? I want a popsicle. I should probably be going to sleep right now. I wonder if I should stop being so open with my feelings with some people and become more open with others. I wish I were laying on a beach somewhere. Did I put the bacon grease in the bacon grease jar? Fuck, I need a drink." I've been manic for 2 days. Diligently working on a project that popped into my head a little over a week ago. Honestly, I don't do commission work, because I have to do what's in my head. I can't be told what to draw or paint; it's something I have to feel. So, when ideas come to me, I try to harness them as best I can. This particular idea came to me while talking with this friend about something in particular that he was into. The idea formed in my head, and for 2 days, I debated even doing it. But I had to; it was one of those ideas that keeps nagging at you until you fulfill it. And who better to appreciate it than the person I was talking to when the pretty significant seed was planted in my head? I started painting it yesterday, using the color he had picked (he still doesn't know why he picked a color though). I've been so meticulous about this painting for some reason. I don't really know why, but I've put more care into making it as close to perfect as possible than I have put into any previous painting. I think it's because it's actually for someone, not just my own portfolio. I haven't completed a painting in so long, it's actually a pretty big step for me. Lately, I tend to either get bored with a certain piece or it isn't looking like what I had envisioned and I get frustrated and give up on it. But, this creation is being very good to me. It's about halfway completed and it's pretty damn close to the way I thought it would turn out. Tonight, though, I realized something. I'm not doing this painting for any reason, other than the thought of making him happy. Just to see him smile. That's all. And to know I did something to bring that smile to his face. That's when a true masterpiece can be created. :)

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